Mar 2015. It will provide more expedient handling of the aircraft in an emergency situation and is well within our purview to do so. Literally in front of my husband's eyes he watched a kid fail a driving test, watched the kid be like "Yeah but my cousin is So-And-So", and then watched the DMV staff print him a license right then and there. It’s not clear what he meant, since both engines one and three were functional. The plane wasn’t quite full, but he was close; with 301 people on board, the plane was certainly packed, if not quite full. This meant if I wanted to travel I needed to look closer to home. On the PA, the flight attendant repeated in Urdu, “Ladies and gentlemen, no need to panic, place your hands behind your head for impact position!”. Um 18:25 Uhr stellten die Piloten fest, dass sich der Schubhebel des Triebwerks Nr. At least she got her order to evacuate! “Okay, so we can go on,” he said. The most likely explanation was that something in a passenger’s baggage caught fire: perhaps a box of matches, or a bottle of kerosene for cooking on the trek to Mecca. Although we live in a different society today, family and personal connections are EVERYTHING and can easily allow you to get a job you are blatantly and dangerously unqualified for, get away with murder, "cut the line" in bureaucratic processes, etc. “When we’re on the ground, yes,” said Curtis, making perhaps his most boneheaded comment of the entire flight. The pilots set their desired landing speeds while the flight attendant continued to make announcements in an attempt to get people to make way for the additional fire extinguishers. Curtis clarified. In fact, the fire had partially melted the plastic insulation around the cable connecting the throttle to the tail-mounted number two engine, causing the cable to jam. “Okay, after we are on the ground, yes,” said the exasperated flight attendant. They just find themselves reacting incorrectly and recklessly in regards to stuff that’s somewhat out of their control - lack of proper information and warnings, poor communication and insufficient training, adverse conditions, etc. Captain Khowyter spent the next few moments urging First Officer Hasanain to tell the controllers where exactly the fire was located, until he finally did so. A flight attendant entered the cockpit once again. First Officer Hasanain had been flying for less than two years and had only 125 hours on the L-1011. I don’t see it.”, “You see those lights over there? News updates from Hindustan Times: Air India waives penalty for rescheduling UK, Oman, Saudi Arabia flights and all the latest news Here are today’s top news, analysis, and opinion. Investigators believed it was likely that this belated attempt to evacuate was stymied because panicked passengers pressing against the exit doors prevented flight attendants from opening them. :(. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. He also experienced difficulties during training. No verification whatsoever. “Okay, you can go one ninety,” said Curtis, referring to the landing speed he had just calculated. The applied currency and fare conditions depends on the selected country. All India ANI Updated: May 10, 2020 2:49 am IST Sixth deadliest aircraft disaster overall. They rattled off more items, most of them somewhat more important: altimeters, airspeed and groundspeed bugs…. I wonder about cultural influences, not unlike with incidents with Korean Air in the 1990s- KAL 801 for example. Instructors had at various points commented that Khowyter “Had difficulty when requested to vary from a set pattern,” was mentally “behind his aircraft,” was “slow to learn,” “needed more training than normally required,” “failed recurrent training,” and “had problems in upgrading [to another aircraft].”. “I just want to confirm it, I know it god damn it,” said Khowyter. 301 people lost their lives as a Lockheed L-1011 Tristar made an emergency landing due to an in-flight fire, then mysteriously went silent before anyone left the aircraft. There was no reason to inform the destination airport that they wouldn’t be arriving. As someone who once wanted to be a pilot and ended up with a mental illness disqualifying me from the profession, this was a great reminder of why those rules exist. Inside the cabin, passengers flooded toward the forward exits while smoke rolled down the aisles. Another theory, more sinister but somewhat less believable, was made known by a witness to the accident nearly 30 years after it occurred. For 15 seconds or so, Khowyter and Curtis discussed whether the fire trucks had been alerted, until Hasanain finally butted in to explain that he already asked for them. 82 passengers boarded in Karachi while the remaining 205 passengers boarded in Riyadh. Curtis opened the cockpit door and added, “If I can see, smell something I think we better go back.” After another short exchange, Curtis left the cockpit to check the cabin for signs of smoke. Hasanain now asked the tower controller for landing clearance, which was granted. “We don’t know exactly, think we have full load,” Hasanain told the controller. This offer was accepted and he was back with Saudia as a flight engineer in 1979. As the approach continued, Curtis said, “We definitely want—we definitely, we definitely want preference to land.”, “We definitely want preference to land, that’s for sure.”, “Yeah,” said Khowyter. While the crew continued to make final adjustments, the flight attendants persisted in trying to calm the passengers. “And if you'd like to descend, you can descend to any altitude you like.”. “Okay, it will be one six zero,” said Curtis. Saudian lento 163 oli Saudian reittilento Karachista Riadin kautta Jeddaan.19. That’s the stadium,” said Hasanain. Passengers in the rear smoking section would have started to panic and try to move forward, although all indications are that the flight attendants managed to maintain order at this point. A flight attendant entered the cockpit yet again. Khowyter went back to singing. “Okay, no problem, so we are going to be returning. Total Failure. Curtis identified another smoke alarm. Khowyter relaxed. “Negative,” said Khowyter. Meanwhile, the flight attendants repeated their message over the PA. “Will all passengers remain in their seats and fasten seat belts,” she said. My husband is a special ed teacher in the Gulf and many families are more than likely to simply insist that their child is lazy and stupid instead of accepting a diagnosis. Although much about the accident remains unknown, this article attempts to parse the information that is available from the official accident report and other sources to tell the story of the ill-fated flight as accurately as possible. Saudi Arabia Travel Conditions Updates. The plane burned for some time, destroying everything above the window line. 7 minutes after takeoff, one of the two fire alarms (A and B) in the rear C-3 cargo compartment went off, alerting Flight Engineer Curtis to the presence of a fire. strictness in regards to safety means high degrees of safety. Investigators calculated that if the pilots had brought the plane to a stop as quickly as possible and ordered an immediate evacuation, most likely everyone would have survived. In 1975 he failed out of captain training on the Boeing 737. What he was trying to do is left up to the imagination. “Give me your attention please, be seated ladies and gentlemen, we are … Firefighters finally managed to open a door more than 23 minutes after the engines were shut down. Saudia Flight 163 was a scheduled passenger flight of Saudia that caught fire after takeoff from Riyadh International Airport (now the Riyadh Air Base) on a flight to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, 19 August 1980. The Air India flight AI 988 from Kuwait landed at the airport on May 9 at 10.07 pm with 163 Indian citizens stranded in Kuwait. “Take your position,” he told her, without answering her question. “What’s the procedure for it in the checklist?” Khowyter asked. See more photos from 1980 . Some fifteen seconds later, Curtis returned to the cockpit. All 287 passengers and 14 crew on board the Lockheed L-1011-200 TriStar died from smoke inhalation after the aircraft made a successful emergency landing at Riyadh. They got such a raw deal. Some of the bodies were not even severely burned. Eventually Curtis interjected again. According to Busby, protocol mandated that all traffic pause and make way when the king’s 747 was taxiing, and he believed that the crew of flight 163 feared punishment if they delayed his departure by evacuating 300 passengers onto the active runway. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It's actually hilarious to watch Westerners talk about this part of the case from their/our cultural mindframe. One final takeaway from the tragedy is that despite the apparent incompetence of the flight crew, the flight attendants acted heroically until the very end. “I suggest we shut it down on short final,” said Curtis. From this point on, all quotes are taken directly from the CVR transcript, which is included almost in its entirety. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, morbidly obsessed with planes and plane crashes. In trying to explain the pilots’ grave errors, the investigation naturally turned to their training histories. “So, we got to be returning back, right?” Khowyter asked, as though it wasn’t his decision. He didn’t want the extra unwanted thrust making the descent more difficult. 301 people died. Back in the cabin, flight attendants had grabbed six fire extinguishers from the front of the airplane and were discharging them one by one into the fire in a futile attempt to quench the inferno. “I got the field in sight.”. “Not in A. My husband and I are very selective about which airlines we fly out of the region for these two reasons (inshallah and wasta). For some reason, Curtis tested the alarm system again. There was an outcry about that being "harsh" but it stuck. 2 nicht mehr bewegen ließ. The pilots called out more flaps settings. histomania. “Okay,” Hasanain acknowledged. Breaking his silence, Hasanain said, “Strange, no procedure for it…”, “No procedure for it?” Khowyter said, pausing momentarily. The commission recommended that crews be trained to take immediate action if a smoke is seen, instead of waiting to determine the severity of the fire; that Saudia train its first officers to be more assertive, make sure inexperienced pilots are not placed together, stop reinstating trainees who failed out of their training program, and hire personnel to more thoroughly check baggage for disallowed items; and that Riyadh International Airport overhaul its training of firefighters to ensure that they are adequately prepared to save lives in an emergency situation. It couldn’t have helped that Curtis’s dyslexia made it a struggle for him to read. Alternatively, Saudia might have been struggling to hire pilots and therefore reconsidered trainees who had earlier been rejected. Ah .. just barely .. we'll pick up the ILS here. I think it goes to show how inherently corrupt any Gulf company or bureaucratic agency is by the very nature of their culture--but to them it's not corruption. Saudia Flight 162 was a scheduled flight from Dhahran International Airport, Saudi Arabia to Karachi International Airport, Pakistan that suffered a high-altitude uncontrolled decompression, above international waters off Qatar, killing 2 children who were among the 272 passengers. The amount of incompetence of the cockpit crew is staggering, and confirms the "smoke and mirrors" suspicions I harbor of the airline industry. “All right, take them down,” said Curtis. Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Saudi 163 Saudi flight 163 I fly saudia once a month, it’s interesting to be on a flight with 200 people from Pakistan - I can totally see a guy in the back starting a small fire to make tea. At 9:08 pm, Saudia flight 163 took off from Riyadh and began climbing toward its cruising altitude. Meanwhile in the cockpit, the captain and first officer continued discussing the situation. WHY YOU ASK? 29. “To take the carts down to be out of the way?”. “Move out of the way, everybody sit down, move out of the aisle, there is no danger from the airplane, everybody stay in their seats!” Switching to Urdu, she added, “Sit on your seat, sit on your seat, ladies and gentlemen take your seat—nothing will happen to aircraft! Then, in perhaps the most fateful comment of the flight, Khowyter said, “Tell them—tell them not to evacuate.” 25 seconds later, the cockpit voice recorder cut out almost at the moment of touchdown. “I’ll keep your speed up as long as possible,” Curtis said to Khowyter, possibly explaining the reason for his desire to keep the stuck number two engine running. Full Mobile Connectivity. Saudia Flight 163 was a scheduled passenger flight of Saudia that caught fire after takeoff from Riyadh International Airport (now the Riyadh Air Base) on a flight to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, 19 August 1980. Take a look at the 5 Million Star Hotel! Saudia Flight 163 was a scheduled passenger flight from Karachi to Jeddah, via Riyadh.On August 19, 1980 the Lockheed L-1011 TriStar with 287 passengers and 14 crew members on-board, caught fire seven minutes after take-off. “Okay, right after landing sir, do you want me to turn off all fuel valves?” Curtis asked. Saudia Flight 163 was a scheduled passenger flight of Saudia that caught fire after takeoff from Riyadh International Airport (now the Riyadh Air Base) on a flight to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, 19 August 1980. It remains the deadliest accident involving a L-1011. Just in B.” Curtis meant that smoke detector A in the C-3 compartment had not gone off, only smoke detector B, but it seems doubtful that this is what Khowyter was asking about. As a result, the Saudi investigators recommended that the FAA change the designation of the L-1011’s aft cargo compartment to a class with more fire protections appropriate to its level of vulnerability. Saudia Flight 163: Plane landed safely, but all passengers and crew on board perished. Saudia Flight 163: Plane landed safely, but all passengers and crew on board perished. Anyways maybe I'm just being an obnoxious jerk. There was an outcry about that being "harsh" but it stuck. Flight Engineer Bradley Curtis, a US citizen, had worked for Saudia since 1974 but had only been certified on the L-1011 for three months and had 157 hours on the type. Its spread was exacerbated by the pilots’ inexplicable decision to close all the vents, which prevented the fumes from escaping the aircraft. “Affirmative, you are number one, cleared for approach and you can continue tower one eighteen one,” said the approach controller, transferring them to the tower controller. It’s hard enough being a worker in a foreign country thousands of miles from home, especially a country like Saudi Arabia, to find yourselves at the mercy of a crew like this. 40 years ago, in 1980, August 19, Saudia Flight 163 departed Karachi Airport in Pakistan at 18:32 (Pak time), a time bound for Jeddah International Airport in Saudi Arabia, with a scheduled intermediate stop at Riyadh Airport. “Saudia one six three, we’ve got fire in the cabin and please alert the fire trucks.” He did not declare an emergency. The smoke quickly overcame the passengers and crew as they queued for the still-unopened exits, killing all 301 people on board. “Aft cargo door is open sir,” said Curtis, reacting to a false warning caused by the fire. “I would declare an emergency,” Curtis suggested. The flight attendant went on the PA again. 1.6k. “Should I just go back there and see if I can find anything or smell anything?” Somehow, he failed to find the checklist even though he did look in the right section of the handbook, under ‘abnormal procedures.’. Previous incidents had shown that it was surprisingly easy to ignite any of these items inside passenger baggage. Captain Khowyter called out flap settings in the background. He never ordered First Officer Hasanain to declare an emergency. “That’s it, this is the maximum,” said Khowyter, apparently already pressing the descent. There was a momentary flurry of activity during which Hasanain discussed the radio while a flight attendant made another PA announcement in the background. I live in the Middle East. This was inconsistent with the flight attendant’s observation of fire, so perhaps the actual flames were obscured by smoke when he went back to look. Meanwhile, Khowyter and Hasanain prepared for landing. Although these items weren’t allowed on the plane, screening consisted only of random checks, and anyone who wanted to bring them on could probably have done so. Shaw Communications Inc. reported a first-quarter profit of $163 million, up from $162 million in the same quarter a year earlier, as its revenue crept lower. A majority of pilot error crashes involved pilots who are at the least competent. The names of the flight attendants on board Saudia flight 163, who so desperately fought to prevent the tragedy, are listed below, and this article is dedicated to them. Is it clear if everyone died from the fumes, and not from the subsequent flames? The airplane was supposed to perform a routine regional flight to another city of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah. Of all the cockpit crew, Curtis seemed to be the most cognizant of the danger they were in, but Khowyter’s comment that the flight engineer was a “jackass” or “donkey” suggests that he did not look beyond Curtis’ human faults to see that his advice was actually useful. “Shall I let Jeddah know on HF?” Curtis asked. In practice, however, the materials from which the compartment was made proved insufficient to actually contain a fire. “There is no, any procedure for the two engine, it’s the same as three,” he added, confirming that there were no special steps needed to land with only two engines. Archived. The crew failed to really emphasise to ATC that they were running dangerously low on fuel due to excessive holding patterns and poor weather, and ended up crashing into New York after a failed landing attempt. After the test showed the alarms were working properly, Khowyter said, “We have cleared the situation.” It’s not clear why he said this or what he meant; perhaps he was misinterpreting the purpose of Curtis’ test. I was wondering if bribery was involved with the first officer’s reinstatement, so thanks for clearing that up. Saudia Flight 163 was a scheduled Saudia passenger flight that caught fire after takeoff from Riyadh International Airport (now the Riyadh Air Base) en route to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on 19 August 1980. Fly SAUDIA to the world with great fares. FLIGHT : 07 Jul 1962: Alitalia: 771: Unable to make out your last message, will you please repeat : 07 May 1964: Pacific Air Lines: 773: Skipper's shot! Curtis couldn't communicate effectively due to his dyslexia. “Fasten seatbelts, all of you sit down!” she repeated, in Urdu this time. “I think it’s all right now,” said Curtis, again giving the impression that the situation was fine. Again, it is unclear what he was referring to. “Where is the airport?” Khowyter asked. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the AdmiralCloudberg community. It seems to me that the captain was in denial about the severity of the problem- could there be any 'saving face' reason? “We're about to land, ladies and gentlemen, place your hands behind your head for impact!” she said. The crew hadn’t said how long they had until landing, and the flight attendants wanted to make sure the aisles were clear for the evacuation—but they also didn’t want to be stuck in the downstairs galley on touchdown. Some of the crew and about half the passengers were Saudi nationals, while 85 passengers were from Pakistan and 32 from Iran. “Okay,” said Khowyter, “As soon as possible we’re gonna be down.”. Notably, 16 years later, Saudia was involved in an even deadlier accident in the skies over India when a fully loaded Saudia Boeing 747 collided in midair with a Kazakhstan Airlines Ilyushin Il-76, killing all 349 people on both aircraft. Please sit down and fasten your seatbelts, sit down and fasten your seatbelts please.”. Only now, 4 minutes after the smoke detection, did the pilots decide to return to the airport. Kudos on mentioning the flight attendants. At that point you better just say your fucking prayers in case you die too. While Hasanain informed the tower that they had shut down an engine, the flight attendant went back on the PA yet again to give final brace instructions. How do you want to continue? Cookies help us deliver our Services. Although the fire on board flight 163 was a very serious emergency, it was clear that the high fatality count was the result of errors made by the crew. On the following link, you will find the latest updates and information related to Travel Guidelines and Requirements due to COVID-19. At that moment, a flight attendant burst into the cockpit. As it turned out, this might have had deadly consequences later. “I’m going to shut it down,” said Khowyter. The first leg from Karachi to Riyadh was normal, and after the intermediate stop at Riyadh International Airport, 287 passengers and 14 crew boarded the aircraft for the journey westward to Jeddah. Generous Baggage. The engine hadn’t failed—it was still running, but they couldn’t change the power setting. In 1977 he was one of several previously dropped trainees who were reinstated by committee action, and he was finally hired in 1978. “Did we declare an emergency?” Curtis asked. Use the proper name, "Saudi Arabian Airlines Flight 163". Is there a word for a hero who struggles but whose mission ultimately does not succeed? Although they absolutely should have declared an emergency, at least everything they would need for the emergency landing was in order. In the back of the passenger cabin, smoke was already seeping out of the cargo hold, catching the attention of passengers seated in the last few rows on the left side. The firefighters at Riyadh international airport had never fought an aircraft fire before, neither in the line of duty nor in a simulation. Khowyter, Hasanain, and Curtis all had few hours on the Lockheed L-1011 and none were considered to be gifted pilots. Although Saudia’s crew was not at fault in the accident, it did earn the dubious distinction of being the only airline involved in more than one of the six total crashes that have resulted in more than 300 fatalities. Proceed with country (Saudi Arabia) Proceed with country (United States) cancel. In the tower, controllers heard the last transmission from the aircraft: “Affirmative, we are trying to evacuate now.” After that, all calls were met with silence. Khowyter’s difficulty in deviating from set patterns, noted in training, could explain why he appeared to treat the emergency landing as a totally normal approach to Riyadh. Avianca Flight 52, which was also covered by the Admiral, is actually the textbook example of this. Sorry Saudi Arabia, thanks for the new visa, but not today. We've been shot. Saudia Flight 163 was a scheduled Saudia passenger flight which caught fire after takeoff from Riyadh International Airport (now the Riyadh Air Base) en route to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on … “No problem,” said Curtis. In December that year, sign-off was also given for hand-held computers, radios and range-finding binoculars bound for the Saudi … “Okay, I’m shutting—okay, I’m shutting down engine number two,” said Khowyter. “Do you want us to evacuate passengers, captain?”, “Do you want us to evacuate the passengers as soon as we stop?”. Perhaps someone with more exposure to their culture could comment. This is the reason many Gulf Arabs don't buckle their kids in the car. “The girls have demonstrated impact position, please go down half a minute before touchdown, it's half a minute before touchdown, hands behind your head.” There was a moment’s pause, then she continued. Incredibly, the pilots spent all this time deciding whether the activation of a smoke alarm indicated the presence of smoke! Captain Khowyter started whistling and singing, a habit which would resurface repeatedly throughout the flight. Notice. Curtis agreed. Autopsies were only conducted on the pilots and the flight attendants, but they showed that at least the crew died of smoke inhalation and/or carbon monoxide poisoning, not fire. “Checked.” Even in the middle of a dangerous emergency, they bothered to turn on the logo light on the tail! There followed a confusing exchange between Hasanain and Khowyter in which Hasanain repeatedly mentioned the “first people” that they had been “talking about,” although Khowyter never seemed to figure out what his first officer meant. Insha'allah. They gave priority landing to the airplane and had emergency crews in position long before the plane landed - this is about as much as they could do in an emergency. The flight attendant went on the PA and passed on Khowyter’s order for the flight attendants to take up their positions. Curtis’ dyslexia probably made it hard for him to read his instruments and almost certainly prevented him from finding the right emergency checklist. There very much was a problem, but investigators believed Curtis might simply have been trying to calm himself rather than giving his actual interpretation of the situation. I’ve read whole forests worth of words on this one, and the more I read about it it’s almost the less I understand it. I read about this case years ago and am glad the discussion continues. Curtis kept fiddling with the smoke alarms. Although the plane made an emergency landing at Riyadh International Airport, all 301 people on-board died of smoke inhalation, with the aircraft later destroyed by the fire. “Okay, get the landing weight, boy,” Khowyter said to Curtis, who was notably his senior. On the flight deck, Khowyter called out “gear down” and the landing gear dropped into place. “I repeat, all passengers to remain in your seats, all passengers remain in your seats.”, Moments later, Curtis returned to the cockpit and started to say, “Okay, it’s a—”. “Okay, cleared back,” said the controller. All 287 passengers and 14 crew on board the Lockheed L-1011-200 TriStar, registration HZ-AHK, died after the aircraft made an emergency landing back at the Riyadh airport. Everybody’s panicking in the back though,” he added, apparently having observed passengers fleeing the fire. Comfortable Seats. The resulting fire overpowered the protective panels on the ceiling of the cargo compartment and allowed fire to burn into the passenger cabin. The documents showed that in May 2016, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) approved a permit for military simulation training equipment to be sent to Saudi ground forces. Aug. 19, 1980: One Canadian was killed when fire spread through Saudia Flight 163 from Karachi, Pakistan en route to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It wasn ’ t have been used as well, go put it out! ” she said by temporary! Many Gulf Arabs do saudia flight 163 reddit want Mohammad `` Inshallah '' al Thani flying this shit in an situation. 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